Javier Lopez Javier Lopez

Strength in Uniform: Developing First Responder Families' Resilience and Well-Being

Strength in Uniform: Developing First Responder Families' Resilience and Well-Being

First responders, who frequently deal with complex and dangerous situations, are essential to maintaining the safety and well-being of our communities. The noble profession comes with a particular set of problems that their families must negotiate behind the scenes. We examine the specific challenges that families of first responders encounter in this blog and offer insightful advice on how to help spouses and kids get through these particular situations.

Being Aware of the Particular Difficulties

  • Change in Work Stress: Shift employment brings with it unpredictable schedules, which first responder families frequently struggle with. The routines, sleep cycles, and quality time spent with family members may be affected by this.

  • Toll on Emotion: First responders may be exposed to stressful situations and traumatic occurrences due to the nature of their employment. Families can have to provide emotional support to a loved one who is coping with the strain of their line of work.

  • Uncertainty and Concern: Family members may experience ongoing anxiety as a result of the job's inherent risks. Concern for the safety of their loved ones can arise from the unpredictability of each shift.

  • Separation and Comprehension: Because of the particular difficulties they encounter, families could feel alone. Furthermore, friends and extended family may not comprehend the nature of the work due to the challenges in communicating it to others.

Perspectives on Supporting Partners

  • Successful Interaction: Create channels of communication that are open to the sharing of ideas and emotions. Despite demanding schedules, partners can maintain their connection by checking in frequently.

  • Together, we can build resilience: Encourage resiliency in the collaboration. Promote constructive coping strategies, and when necessary, seek expert assistance.

Perspectives on Supporting Children

  • Discussions Suitably Aged:Have discussions with kids about their parent's jobs that are acceptable for their age. Answer any worries they might have and reassure them.

  • Making a Supportive Environment: Encourage youngsters to express their emotions in a safe and accepting atmosphere. To inquire about their parent's employment and to express their opinions, encourage them.

  • Mutual and Congregational Assistance: Establish ties with other families who are first responders and inspire kids to form bonds with classmates who have gone through comparable things. This group of allies can be pretty helpful.

  • Establishing Stability: Create a system of procedures and tactics to bring stability in the face of the uncertain nature of first responder operations. The family as a whole may feel more regular as a result.

Maintaining the Health of First Responder Partners: A Balancing Act

There are particular difficulties specific to relationships involving first responders. The erratic schedules, emotional demands, and inherent risks may strain partners' well-being. We will discuss the unique challenges faced by partners or spouses of first responders in this area, along with helpful advice and techniques for preserving a strong and resilient union.

Particular difficulties that first responder partners face include:

  • Effects of Shift Work: The unpredictability of shift employment might reduce quality time spent with family members and upset established family patterns. Feelings of detachment may arise when partners find it difficult to synchronize their schedules.

  • The relationship's emotional toll: The emotional toll of their encounters is frequently carried home by first responders. Partners might have to deal with the effects of stress, trauma exposure, and the emotional toll that working in this field can have.

  • Keeping a healthy balance between life and work: It can be challenging to strike a balance between the demands of a first responder's profession and personal and family responsibilities. Time for personal interests and self-care may be difficult for partners to find.

Heroes at Home: A Comprehensive Overview of the Effects on First Responder Children

First Responder play a key role in their households, particularly with regard to their children, and their position transcends beyond the professional sphere. The consequences of a parent acting as a first responder on children will be discussed in this part, along with advice on how to help parents create a welcoming and understanding atmosphere at home.

Impact of a Parent's First Responder Role on Offspring:

  • Exposure on an Emotional Level: Children of first responders may be exposed to the emotional strain of the work, stress, trauma, and other situations that their parents have gone through.

  • Fear and Uncertainty: Children may feel uncertain due to the erratic nature of first responders' schedules. They might worry about their parent's safety in an emergency.

  • Particular Difficulties in Social and Educational Contexts: Young people may experience particular difficulties at school and in social situations. For example, they can find it challenging to explain their parents' jobs to their classmates or deal with possible stigma associated with being a first responder.

  • Simulating Coping Strategies and Resilience: Positively, children who have a parent who responds as a first responder frequently teach them resilience and helpful coping techniques. Observing resilience in action can help people's emotional growth.

Suggestions for Creating a Helpful and Compassionate Environment

  • Honest and Age-Rightful Communication: Encourage youngsters to speak candidly about their parents' roles. Adapt talks to their age and comprehension level by giving them information that is suitable for them.

  • Establish a Secure Area for Expression: Provide a secure environment for kids to talk about their thoughts and worries at home. Invite them to discuss their ideas and pose inquiries on their parent's career.

  • Handling Uncertainty and Anxiety: Highlight the safeguards put in place to guarantee the safety of their parents in order to allay children's fears and uncertainties. Reassure them and emphasize the value of the first responder community's support system.

  • Make Their Experience Seem Normal: Make their experience more normal by assisting kids in realizing that although their family's circumstances are unique, they are not unusual. To foster a feeling of community, tell each other the tales of other first responder families.

  • Include regularity and stability: Stability and routine are beneficial to children. Establish dependable routines in everyday life to provide children with a sense of regularity, mainly when a parent isn't there.

  • Promote Interactions Among Peers: Encourage your kids to make friends with other kids from first responder households. A network of support can be established for kids by promoting friendships with classmates who have gone through comparable circumstances.

Handling Stress: Techniques for Families of First Responders

First Responder families face unique stressors in their daily lives. Therefore, it's essential to develop healthy coping strategies to get through these difficulties as a family. In this article, we look at methods. First-responder families may use it to prioritize self-care, improve communication, manage stress, and spend quality time together.

Effective Coping Strategies

  • Family Conversations: Families should schedule specific time for communication sessions during which members can share their ideas, emotions, and worries. This promotes understanding amongst people and an open discourse.

  • Practices of Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness exercises into daily family activities. This can involve practices like mindfulness walking for brief periods, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

  • Customary Family Encounters: Arrange and participate in frequent family activities that foster camaraderie and alleviate tension. These activities—be they creative endeavors, game nights, or outdoor adventures—help to build stronger family ties.

  • Self-care on an individual and group level: Promote group as well as individual self-care. As well as shared activities that improve the well-being of the whole family, each family member should have a space for their self-care routines.

  • Talks about Emergency Preparedness: Have family conversations about emergency preparedness that are appropriate for the members' ages. This not only alleviates worries but also gives everyone a feeling of preparation and control.

Wellness Support and Therapy for Invisible Wounds

First Responder families experiencing stress can receive specialized support from Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness. Our therapists are skilled in dealing with the particular difficulties that these families encounter, and they provide specialized techniques to strengthen coping mechanisms, promote communication, and create a resilient home environment. By utilizing evidence-based therapies such as EMDR, CBT, CPT, DBT, and ACT, we enable families of first responders to effectively manage stress and establish a solid basis for their long-term well-being.

Developing First Responder Families' Resilience: A Comprehensive Strategy

Being resilient is essential for overcoming the difficulties that come with belonging to the first responder family. We investigate strategies for enhancing the mental, emotional, and physical health of the whole family in order to develop resilience from a holistic standpoint.

A Comprehensive View of Resilience:

  • Help for Therapy: To manage the particular difficulties of being a first responder family, think about obtaining therapy support. Tools to improve resilience can be obtained through professional therapy, such as those offered by Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness.

  • Frequent Check-Ins with Family: Establish routine family check-ins to determine everyone's state of well-being. Discussions on personal objectives, difficulties, and group resilience techniques can be a part of these check-ins.

  • Educational Sessions: Participate in resilience education programs with your family. These insightful, practical methods and resources can strengthen the family's total capacity to recover from stressors.

  • Joint Physical Fitness: Include physical exercise routines in your family's daily schedule. Exercise is a shared activity that fosters resilience and has been shown to have positive effects on mental health.

  • Practices for Relaxation and Mindfulness: Together, engage in mindfulness and relaxation exercises. Activities that encourage peace and well-being can be included in this, such as family meditation sessions led by a teacher.

Support for Wellness and Therapy for Invisible Wounds

The holistic approach to mental health is the area of expertise for Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness. Our therapists address the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of well-being in order to help first-responder families develop resilience. We provide families with the tools they need to overcome obstacles, fortify their relationships, and prosper in the face of misfortune through evidence-based therapies and specialized tactics.

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Javier Lopez Javier Lopez

Breaking the Silence: A How-To for Initiating Talks About Mental Health

Breaking the Silence: A How-To for Initiating Talks About Mental Health

In today's fast-paced world, where professional responsibilities can occasionally feel too much to handle, it's critical to understand the significance of mental health. The mission of Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness is to support the healing of the invisible wounds that a great deal of professionals experience, especially while coping with trauma and anxiety. Opening up dialogue and shattering the taboo around mental health are two effective ways to address these issues.

The Significance of Clear Communication

Silence is a significant obstacle to the well-being of one's mental health. Many people may be reluctant to talk about their mental health issues for fear of stigma or judgment, especially in high-stress occupations. On the other hand, encouraging candid communication is essential to reducing suicide rates and advancing general well-being.

Pointers for Striking Up Talks:

  • Make a secure area : Create a space where people can freely express their feelings and ideas. This could apply to personal areas or restricted access routes at work.

  • Have Good Ears : Pay attention intently while avoiding passing judgment. Sometimes, all people need is someone to listen to them. Throughout these discussions, make sure you're paying attention and being present.

  • Make Empathetic Word Choices : Be understanding and empathetic in your interactions. Sayings that imply support and compassion include "I'm here for you" and "I understand this must be difficult for you."

  • Make Talks About Mental Health More Common: Normalise conversations about mental health to help dispel the stigma. To encourage others to open up, talk about your experiences or inspirational tales of perseverance.

The Wellness and Invisible Wounds Therapy Approach:

We at IWTW are aware of communication's significant role in the healing process. We offer evidence-based treatments to assist people on their path toward mental health, such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Eye-Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy.

We hope to establish a space where people feel free to talk openly about their troubles, break the taboo of mental health issues, and receive the assistance they require to deal with them by fusing these evidence-based therapies with honest and open communication.

Recognizing and Helping Individuals Who Are at Risk: Recognising the Warning Signs

In the field of mental health, identifying the early indicators of suicidal thoughts is essential to delivering prompt assistance and treatment. Our mission at Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness is to raise awareness of these symptoms and provide advice on how to help anyone who might be dealing with similar difficulties.

Typical Indices of Suicidal Thoughts:

  • Modifications in Conduct: Watch for any notable behavioral changes, such as decreased productivity at work, a withdrawal from social interactions, or increasing isolation.

  • How to Communicate Hopelessness: People who are thinking of killing themselves frequently express despondency or the conviction that things will never get better.

  • Have a Conversation about Suicide: It is essential to take seriously any references, whether direct or indirect, to suicide, death, or the desire to terminate one's life.

  • Unexpected Changes in Mood: Abrupt changes in mood, especially from a state of profound despair to a sudden serenity, may be a sign of internal conflict.

  • Giving Things Away: A person in danger may begin decluttering to get ready to pass away.

  • Rise in Substance Abuse: Increasing drug use can be a warning indication of trouble as well as a contributing element to suicide ideation.

Developing Resilience: Techniques for Mental Health and Welfare

Building resilience is a crucial strategy for achieving mental health and well-being since it can enable people to overcome life obstacles. At Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness, empowering people with doable tactics and lifestyle adjustments can help them develop resilience and fend off mental health emergencies.

How to Develop Resilience Practically:

  • Practice Mindfulness in Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness meditation into your everyday practice to develop awareness, lower stress levels, and improve emotional well-being.

  • Strategies for Stress Management: Learn and put stress-reduction strategies into practice, such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and deep breathing exercises.

  • Keep Up a Healthy Lifestyle: Make adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and regular exercise your top priorities. A sound body is a prerequisite for a sound mind.

  • Make Helpful Connections: Create and preserve a robust social network. Assemble a support system around you that promotes understanding and candid conversation.

  • Establish Reasonable Objectives: Larger objectives should be divided into manageable tasks. Appreciate modest accomplishments to increase self-assurance and drive.

  • Develop an optimistic mindset: Develop a positive outlook and confront pessimistic ideas. Remind yourself to be grateful and engage in self-compassion exercises.

Communities' Function: Establishing Conducive Environments

At Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness, we understand how important it is for communities to play a crucial part in preventing suicide because they have such a powerful influence on the well-being of their members. Communities may play a significant role as change agents in mental health by creating inclusive and supportive environments.

Establishing Community Support Systems:

  • Accessible Communication and Instruction: Promote candid conversations in the community regarding mental health. Programs for awareness and education can break down stereotypes, lessen stigma, and foster understanding.

  • Community-Based Resources and Services: Make sure the community has resources and services for mental health accessible. Counseling, support groups, and crisis intervention hotlines fall under this category.

  • Encouragement of Inclusivity: Establish an environment that welcomes variety and values each person's uniqueness. One of the most robust defenses against mental health issues is the feeling of acceptance and worth.

  • Workplace Initiatives for Mental Health: Work together to implement mental health ideas in nearby companies and organizations. Workplaces that provide support play a significant role in improving employees' general mental health.

  • Events and Activities in the Community: Plan events and pursuits that unite the people in the community. A feeling of community and social ties are essential protective factors against suicide.

  • Workplace Initiatives for Mental Health: Work together to implement mental health ideas in nearby companies and organizations. Workplaces that provide support play a significant role in improving employees' general mental health.

  • Events and Activities in the Community: Plan events and pursuits that unite the people in the community. Important preventive factors against suicide include having a sense of belonging and social ties.

Supportive Communities' Effects

  • Diminishing Shame: The stigma attached to mental health is something that supportive communities try to lessen. This promotes asking for help without worrying about being judged.

  • Earlier Intervention: Early intervention can be made more accessible in a community where mental health is given top priority. It takes a team to identify warning signals and provide assistance.

  • Unity Is Strength: A potent force is a collective strength. Communities can offer a network of support that people can rely on by banding together during challenging times.

  • Establishing Secure Areas: Create safe areas in the community where people feel free to talk about their issues without worrying about being judged. These could be support groups, community centers, or internet forums.

  • Giving People Power: Provide the information and resources necessary for community members to help one another. Education about mental health first aid and awareness campaigns can significantly impact.

Embracing Your Loved Ones: How to Help Them Through Tough Times

Having the support of friends and family is essential on the path to mental health. At Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness, we are aware of the critical role that family members play in consoling and uplifting individuals who are struggling with mental health issues. Here is some advice on how to help someone in need during a challenging period.

Tips for Helping Families:

  • Become Informed: Make an effort to familiarise yourself with mental health issues. It will be easier for you to support your loved one with more excellent knowledge and compassion if you know their difficulties.

  • Engage in Active Listening: Listen intently and without passing judgment. Give your loved one the freedom to express their emotions and acknowledge their experiences.

  • Demonstrate compassion and understanding: Express understanding and empathy. Sayings like "I believe in your strength" and "I'm here for you" project a kind and encouraging attitude.

  • Honour Boundaries: Respect and acknowledge the boundaries set by your loved one. Be patient with them while they overcome their obstacles and offer support without placing answers on them.

  • Promote Expert Assistance: Encourage your loved one to get professional assistance, such as counseling or therapy, in a gentle manner. Offer to accompany them if necessary and to assist them in locating resources.

  • Be Consistent and Patient: Recovery from mental illness is a journey, and it may take some time to see results. When assisting, exercise patience, consistency, and dependability.

The wellness approach and therapy for invisible wounds

At IWTW, we stress how crucial a robust support network is to the rery proc research-proven techniques, which include Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Cognitive-Processing Therapy (CPT), and Eye-Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, are intended for both individuals and families, acknowledging the critical role that loved ones' support plays in healing.

We foster a cooperative and supportive environment for mental health by equipping loved ones with the information and resources they need to offer adequate care. To ensure that no one has to face their mental health difficulties alone, let's work together to develop bridges of understanding, compassion, and strength.

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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

Give Yourself the Best of Yourself Not What is Left of Yourself

Reflecting on the privilege of having a neurobiology professor become a mentor, one piece of advice they always expressed was to remember that, “In order to give your best to others, you must first give your best to yourself.” 

A big aspect of the identities of healthcare workers and caregivers is their love and desire to take care of others—but that love and desire can become all-consuming to the point that personal self-care is put on the back burner. While days are fulfilled with the satisfaction and pride of helping, healing, and taking care of others, it would be remiss to hide from the fact that days are also filled with long hours that are physically, mentally, and emotionally draining.

We had the pleasure of interviewing healthcare professionals, ranging from mental health, surgical, and nursing professionals and gained insight on how they practice self-care. What we learned above anything: that self-care is not only essential but will look different for everyone. It is imperative to find what practices work best for you as it will make you not only a better professional, but person as well.  

In talking with mental health professionals, we discovered that bringing work home can be one of the hardest parts of the job. While it cannot be avoided completely, they shared self-care practices that not only helped with this struggle, but in turn helped them become better therapists and counselors. A student well-being advocate shared their self-care regimen that includes regular exercise, occasional meditation, lots of walks and hikes in nature, and time spent with family and pets. Other mental healthcare workers and professionals in the medical field have suggested that committing to a good nutrition, talking to a therapist, keeping a gratitude journal, and using positive-self talk (especially at work) are practices that have greatly improved and maintained their mental health as well as their perspectives on what it means to take care of themselves. It also ultimately led to them rediscovering an excitement and passion for their work in healthcare. 

It is also crucial in identifying what is best for your mental health. In talking with a chief medical officer and general surgeon, we learned that it is imperative to identify signs of declining mental health as well as being our own advocates and finding those who will support our mental health decisions. This can look like communicating with bosses, employee advocates, and family members to not only come up with a plan to maintain mental health but to ask for help, as this is a battle not meant to go at alone. Advocating for yourself and asking hospital systems, private practices, and your company what programs they provide to support the mental health of their professionals is not something you have to earn, it is your right. 

In talking with surgical professionals, we were moved by their humility and honesty as they described burnout as one of their toughest mental health battles. They worked their whole academic careers and lives to get to this professional point—how could they not be happy? Burnout can manifest in feelings of guilt, uselessness, anhedonia, insomnia, and distraction. While it is important to track these feelings, it is important to take the time to discern why you are feeling this way and what solutions will help. The self-care practices shared above are a beneficial option, but in talking with a NICU nurse turned oncology nurse, self-care practices can also include changing fields, scenery, and colleagues. This nurse expressed that working in the NICU was her dream field since she began nursing school at the University of Virginia. Over a few years in the NICU, this nurse found that she was less present outside of the NICU and less excited to go to work each day. The patients she lost and saw struggling seemed to hide and steer her away from the patients she saved and saw succeeding. She lost her love of being a NICU nurse. “How could I leave and where would I go?” “Will I make an impact somewhere else?” These were some of the questions she asked herself, but little by little she found the strength to identify what she needed—and that was a change in scenery. Now, two years as an oncology nurse, she has more flexible hours, more time to spend with her husband and their two dogs, and feels excited to go to work. 

“If you don’t give yourself a break, you will be broken.” Practicing self-care is something healthcare professionals must prioritize so that they continue to find fulfillment, passion, and success in not only their careers, but their personal lives as well. You are worth it. You are deserving of the care you give to everyone else. 

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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

New Seasons

Your mental health may vary as new seasons come and go. While spring and summer can represent a new beginning for some, they can also evoke a range of unfavorable feelings in others. Continuing to invest in yourself, practice self-care, and be gratitude can be a great start to overcoming those challenging emotions.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, practicing gratitude and self-appreciation techniques can help the reduction in depressive symptoms. Practicing gratitude methods can also reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety. A single act of thoughtful gratitude can make a big difference.

Start participating in gratitude acts. Start with a journal. Write it all down in a notebook or pad. It is helpful to jot down a few things you are thankful for each day. It can then develop into something therapeutic as you make observations and reflections that can make you feel appreciative when you are having a hard time. Make a list of things that made you smile, or write about four things you are grateful for and utilize every day. 

Invest into you. Make the greatest decisions for your mental well-being and look for support systems that can help you feel better and heal. Seek out for professional help as well.

At Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness, we understand that mental health and wellness are crucial components of overall wellbeing. We offer services for individuals who struggle with trauma and anxiety.

Our therapists, Rebecca Schaffner, Eygpt Buie,  Adria Grey, and Zacharia Kabia are here to help you on your healing journey. All therapists’ have special training in anxiety or trauma treatment. 

We prioritize your healing journey. Our team of therapists: Rebecca Schaffner, Eygpt Buie, Adria Grey, and Zacharia Kabia are here to offer support.

Rebecca’s Specialties:

  • First Responder Issues

  • PTSD

  • Anxiety

Egypt’s Specialties:

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression

  • GREEK (sorority/fraternity) trauma

Adria’  Specialties:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Military Trauma

Zacharia’s Specialties:

  • Substance Use Disorders 

  • Trauma

  • Mood disorders

Start your journey to a healthier and happier life. 

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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

The Holidays

The holidays may bring up old wounds that haven't quite healed for some people. 

Trauma is the emotional, physical or cognitive reaction as a result of a distressing or disturbing situation that you may have experienced.  Trauma is defined as "an emotional response to a traumatic incident," or anything that has caused a negative impact.

Stress and Trauma

The stress or trauma around the holidays is not just about the money and/or gifts. Holidays near the end of the year can be particularly unpleasant for victims of abuse because they frequently trigger painful memories  and may worsen symptoms that potentially can negatively affect family dynamics. Stressors may resurface at this time of year due to the numerous emotions associated with gatherings and customs.

Setting up a support system before the holidays is an essential first step in managing high emotions. While your past trauma is beyond your control, you may be able to recognize your emotions, identify your triggers and find helpful ways to combat those prior to engaging in a  potentially upsetting situation.  You may also want to plan for a “safe person” to spend time with prior, during and/ or after spending the holiday with friends, family, or on your own.

To battle emotions of sadness, trauma survivors may need extra encouragement to exercise self-care during this time.


It's common to experience loneliness during the holiday season. Because loneliness is an emotion, you don't have to ignore it just because it makes you feel awful. All of our emotions provide us with useful information. Even if it might not be the most enjoyable situation, learning to be present with, observe or “sit with” it  could teach you more.

Writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal is a terrific way to be aware of your emotions. It may also be a cathartic release, which can help you focus on how you want to take care of yourself.

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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

Mental Health and Nature

Any traumatic event will have an effect on a person's mind as well as their body. Everyone responds to trauma in different ways and deals with trauma in various ways. In the end, therapeutic techniques can direct you toward your healing. Many times, trauma impacts and interferes with how people operate in their daily lives, leaving people confused of how to truly recover from it. Always put your mental health first. A few methods to start the healing process are to seek professional help, practice self-care, and surround oneself with a safe and healthy environment.

But, what if, the healing process didn’t look so tradition such as sitting in a therapy room or practicing self care?

According to the American Psychological Association, nature offers a number of advantages that can significantly enhance mental health.

With present-moment awareness and a sense of being rooted in our body and connected to our surroundings, nature can help us find our grounding. Being in nature or even just watching natural scenes makes you feel better and less stressed, angry, or afraid. Not only does being in nature improve the mood, but it also benefits physical health by lowering your blood pressure, heart rate, muscular tension, and stress hormones.

In addition, nature provides us with pain relief. We are drawn to nature sceneries because we are genetically predisposed to find trees, plants, water, and other natural elements captivating, which helps us to forget about our suffering or discomfort.

Exposure to nature has been linked to a number of advantages, from taking a stroll through a city park to going on a day hike in the wilderness. These advantages include better attention, less stress, better moods, a lower risk of developing psychiatric disorders, and even increases in empathy and cooperation. The majority of studies to date have been on green areas like parks and woods, but now scientists are starting to look into the advantages of blue spaces, or locations with views of the ocean and rivers.

So, next time you find yourself overwhelmed, reacting to a trigger or feeling un- well, go for a stroll in your neighborhood, look at a YouTube video of the ocean or wild flowers, sit on your porch and listen to the sounds of nature, the birdsong. Enjoy!

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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

Benefits of Mindfulness for Trauma and Anxiety

The concept of mindfulness entails being present and more aware of life, your here- and- now moments, as it unfolds.

Focusing on the present moment with intention and accepting it without passing judgment is the practice of mindfulness. Currently, mindfulness has been discovered to be a crucial component of stress relief and general well-being.

A benefit of mindfulness is the ability to recognize and control your emotions. Your capacity to exert control over your own emotions is referred to as emotional regulation. It will also increase your “window- of- tolerance” (link to post) so you may have an easier time letting difficult thoughts, emotions or situations roll off your shoulder. 

Trauma and Mindfulness

Those who have experienced trauma can benefit greatly from mindfulness. A person's ability to self-regulate, cultivate self-compassion, and develop present-moment awareness can be negatively affected by a history of trauma, however, cultivating a mindfulness practice can aid in the recovery from trauma. Hence, your ability to regulate your emotions in the here-and-now due to triggers, for instance, will allow you to enjoy your present moment rather than feeling hostage by the fight, flight, freeze or fawn responses (See our Facebook or Instagram for more information on normal trauma responses).  

Anxiety and Mindfulness

Although it may seem impossible to avoid anxiety, mindfulness techniques can dramatically improve psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well as help people deal with their anxiety.. It may help individuals put anxiety in its” proper” perspective and reduce its influence in their lives. When faced with situations that cause anxiety, mindfulness has the power to turn off or control emotional reactivity. It enables people to pause, view the situation for what it is vs. with unhelpful emotions or thoughts which may exacerbate that anxiety. 

Mindfulness Practices

  1. Pause. When you walk up in the morning, quiet your busy thoughts and refocus. Pay attention to your surroundings. Take notice of the sunlight piercing through your window, the quietness of the room, or the smell of breakfast coming from downstairs. Start your day with a pause. 

  2. Breathe. Focus on your breathing. Remember to breathe deeply. In order to swiftly reduce anxiety, exhale more slowly than you inhale. The 3-4-5 breathing method is effective. Simply inhale for three counts, hold your breath for four, and then exhale for five.

  3. Gratitude. Make a gratitude list or journal as a simple yet effective technique to improve your wellbeing. Simply put, daily log the blessings in your life. Take a moment at the end of each day to think back on what you are grateful for.

  4. Try this: Take a moment to find any object that you can easily hold in your hand (a pen, your phone etc). Now, imagine you are sitting with a friend, but this friend has no senses, they cannot see, hear, smell, taste or feel ANYTHING. Try to describe this object in your hand with as much detail as possible, using all of your senses and all adjectives you could possible think about. Give yourself at least 8min, using a timer. Afterward, ask yourself how this felt, how your body and mind are feeling compared to the beginning of this exercise.

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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

Trauma In The Workplace

Workplace Trauma

The increasing emotional strain in the workplace can impact our mental health.Trauma can happen in any employment industry from professionals, healthcare workers, first responders, and caregivers. Stress at work can exacerbate your mental health symptoms as well as lead to anxiety or depression. 

For instance, first responders can suffer inadequate or low staffing, working long shifts, and exposure to everyday trauma, making it increasingly more difficult to find a calm head-space while at work and at home. Encountering frequent critical occurrences, exposes first responders to emotional, cognitive, and behavioral struggles that can impair their ability to perform their jobs and function how they desire in their home- life. The signs of anxiety disorders include hypervigilance, anxiety, detachment, intrusive thoughts, poor attention, isolation, and restlessness and may also lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as addictive behaviors. Additionally, some first responders struggle with microaggressions, passive-aggressive behavior, or workplace bullying.


Microaggressions are insensitive remarks, inquiries, or assumptions directed at socially and marginalized disadvantaged groups, and can affect anyone from any background and at any professional level.

Communities or identities that can be targeted include, but are not limited to:

- Race

- Gender 

- Age

- Sexual orientation

- Disability

Some examples of microaggression:

  • “Wow, you're a lot different from other Black firefighters.”

  • “No offense sweetheart, but I would feel safer with a male [police] partner.” 

  • “You’re over 40 year old, are you adequate for this job?”

Microaggressions can have a big impact since they fundamentally represent inequity and show disrespect; they should be treated seriously.


Passive-aggressive behavior is an indirect form of resistance, in which a person appears to comply with the expectations and needs of others but resists them through behaviors like manipulation, inaction, or playing dumb. This behavior is common among employers and coworkers. It is a tacit but powerful method of avoiding the results of an open discussion and direct disclosure of a problem.

Some cases of passive-aggressive behaviors:

  • Deciding against taking any action that could stop a problem from happening

  • Befriending you and other co-workers, but spread rumors about them

  • Being dismissive about suggestions or ideas

Workplace Bullying

The constant torment is a defining feature of workplace bullying. It may affect your life, job, and even physical and mental health. Additionally, because of many power dynamics and hierarchies at work, many victims of bullying endure their suffering in silence.

Another option is more overt bullying, such as belittling, humiliating, and shunning someone in public. Regardless of the methods employed, office bullies are typically adept social manipulators who advance at work by intimidating others.

Some examples of workplace bullying:

  • Persistent teasing and pranks that clearly go beyond that of affectionately including someone as “just one of the guys”

  • Holding targeted officers to higher, even impossible, standards of performance than the rest

Ways for overcoming trauma at work:

  1. Give yourself room to finally experience all of your feelings.

  2. Take a break. Giving yourself time to recuperate is the first step in getting over a distressing professional event.

  3. Report to human resources about the possible discrimination or harassment and how it impacts your work and day- day life. 

  4. Seek out the assistance of close friends, family, and professionals in your place of employment.

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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner


Eye- Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR

What is EMDR?

EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a form of structured therapy that uses bilateral stimulation (BLS) that allows people to “metabolize” their trauma history but also change limiting belief systems, unhelpful behaviors or unwanted thoughts and emotions. Through EMDR therapy you can also learn to manage triggers and/or symptoms.

BLS can be in the form of eye-movement, alternatingly tapping on your knees or shoulders, alternating sounds etc. which will allow both hemispheres of your brain to communicate effectively and heal. Your therapist will guide you and allow space to process it safely.

EMDR therapy can reduce symptoms of traumatic stress and PTSD and prevent symptoms from worsening.

Stress, PTSD, Trauma and Depression in First Responders

Chronically experiencing traumatic situations and the high levels of stress associated with a profession might eventually harm one's mind and emotions. If the trauma is not addressed, first responders may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can cause problems with relationships, sleep, and physical health. 

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) about 30% of first responders will develop PTSD and will attempt to self-medicate with alcohol.

Due to the perceived stigma associated with mental health, many first responders might not receive the care they require. It's critical to dispel stigma and educate people about trauma as a typical human reaction to a distressing, atypical event in order to combat this. Rates of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse are exponentially higher amongst first responders when compared to the general public.

EMDR & First Responders 

First responders who are coping with trauma may benefit from using EMDR as part of a comprehensive therapy plan.

First responders can specifically benefit from EMDR by learning how to recognize all indications of mental health problems, increase distress tolerance and recover from past events.

The fact that EMDR does not significantly rely on conversation therapy is one of its benefits. There is no need to summarize the trauma, which for some can be triggering or even re- traumatizing. 

EMDR can frequently be completed in less sessions than many conventional talk therapy techniques, which is accommodating to first responders’ hectic schedules. 

For first responders to rehabilitate, continue to do their jobs successfully and securely, and save other people's lives, EMDR can be a great fit. 





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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

Trauma- Informed Services! What’s that?

Trauma- informed services

What is a trauma-informed service?

We offer “trauma-informed” services. What exactly does that mean?

At IWTW, we understand the physical, psychological, mental, and emotional impact of trauma and the role it plays in a person’s life. Our intent is to ensure that our space is welcoming and engaging to our clients. We aim for you to feel safe, seen and heard and hope to help you heal both body and mind.


What is considered trauma?

Many may define trauma as an “emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, sexual assault, or natural disaster.”

We define trauma as anything that has left a negative impact on you, no matter how big or small. It can change the way you view yourself, others, and the world around you.

A trauma-informed approach

Trauma-Informed Care is led by five Guiding Principles that serve as a framework for how service providers and care systems can work together to lessen the risk of re- traumatization. 

The Five Guiding Principles are; safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment. (what’s the source?)

With that in mind, both therapist and client work together in a framework of wellbeing which also provides better clinical outcomes when implemented. Providing a safe environment, physically and emotionally, allows for an open and honest therapeutic relationship while choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment provide respect for one another and the client’s narrative. These principles also ensure that the client is in charge of the treatment, so that IWTW’s therapists will guide, rather than direct and center the care around each client’s needs. This will allow for a natural or organic process of healing. 


Trauma-informed goals

People require a sense of security and accommodations to make them feel welcome and comfortable in therapy or counseling sessions. As for our targeted clients—first responders, helpers and healers—can benefit from trauma-informed care as it provides a safe space for them to be treated as people first and can provide a toolkit to overcome their anxieties of stigma and differential treatment. Overall, the goal is to understand their jobs and the dangerous challenges they face on a daily basis while also realizing that "the job" is only one part of their identity and he or she may want to heal concerns not only related to work.

Listening and validating our client’s feelings and viewpoints is key. Throughout the counseling process the emphasis is on the client’s needs, and placed on the five guiding principles: safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment. 

Many people who suffer from trauma struggle to maintain positive, open relationships with their health care providers, however, trauma- informed care can help to break this barrier and cultivate a natural and safe healing process. 



Summary from Harris, M. & Fallot, R. (2001). Using trauma theory to design service systems. New directions in mental health services, Jossey-Bass, 89, Spring.


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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

Mental Health and Stigma

Mental Health and Stigma

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being should be prioritized throughout our lives, from childhood through adulthood. Despite the fact that mental health is just as essential as physical health, there is still a stigma associated with seeking treatment to improve our well-being or heal ourselves. Stigma is defined by some as a sense of shame or judgment from others and affects some populations more than others. . 

Mental health influences how we deal with stress, make decisions, and socialize and interact with others. When a traumatic incident or stress occurs in our lives, it can have a significant impact on those aspects.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to spread awareness about how stress, trauma, and anxiety makes an impact on people’s lives. Mental illness affects one out of every five Americans, making it even more important to not only spread awareness in May but every day. 

While mental health stigma impacts everyone, it affects first responders, healers, and caretakers in particular.

First Responders 

85 % of first responders have had symptoms associated with mental illness. Many first responders, however, will refuse to seek help or treatment. The cause for this is stigma's toxicity. 

Discrimination, shame, and even loss of status were all common categories of stigma for first responders. Unfortunately first responders suffer in silence. Because their jobs are considered as heroic in the public eye, requesting help or treatment can be seen as a sign of 'weakness.' Fear of negative consequences or being demoted or fired if diagnosed with a mental health illness/disorder are other reasons why first responders may not seek help. 


Caregivers are no strangers to stress, and mental health symptoms.  Whether a caregiver is caring for a sick parent, spouse or child, stress, trauma, anxiety, and depression have a significant impact on their mental health. Most people do not seek help during the difficult and long periods of caregiving. Stigma is at the forefront, just as it is for first responders. 

Some caregivers experience self-stigma, which is defined as unfavorable attitudes and sentiments about one's own mental illness, including internalized shame. Caregivers may feel cut off or alienated from others around them. As a result of perceived stigma, caregivers of people with mental illnesses experience shame, low self-worth, and social isolation.

Some caregivers may not seek help because they are stigmatized by the belief that mental illness is genetic or hereditary. Also, some believe that by seeking treatment to ask for help, their sense of obligation to the person they are caring for is reduced. They feel 100% responsible for caregiving while balancing work, social life, and family difficulties, which can lead to caregiver burnout, a state of physical, emotional, and mental tiredness, and struggles of co- dependency.  

To remove the stigma of mental health, the perception has to change regarding what mental health really is and how mental health services are beneficial for everyone. 


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Rebecca Schaffner Rebecca Schaffner

What is trauma?

What is trauma?

Trauma is the emotional, physical or cognitive reaction as a result of a distressing or disturbing situation that you may have experienced. Although, learning about an horrific event or witnessing it can be enough to feel overwhelming. When people think about trauma and its definition, the initial thought is believed that trauma only occurs as a result of abuse or a natural disaster. At Invisible Wounds Therapy and Wellness, we define trauma as "anything that has had a negative impact on you," acknowledging that no experience is too big or too small to deserve healing.

Understanding trauma, its triggers, and how to recover and manage it is critical. Trauma can transform the way a person views themselves, others, and the environment around them. Everyone's emotional, physical or cognitive response is different and the factors that influence it are distinct. Trauma can occur in adults as well as in children. Traumatic incidents can occur at any age and can have long-term consequences. While we can often “bounce- back” from experiences that have left a negative impact on us, without support, or left untreated, it can turn into Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other “clinical” concerns such as depression or anxiety.  

There are three categories of trauma: acute, chronic, and complex. Acute trauma is often caused by a single “recent” occurrence (often within the last 3 months). If the trouble you are experiencing as a result of it is left unsupported and untreated, it can lead to chronic trauma (reactions or symptoms lasting 3 months or more). Complex trauma is often the result of multiple exposures of “negatively impacting events,” within a short time- frame or life- time. For instance, childhood abuse or neglect. 

First responders, for example, can suffer from chronic trauma and may be subject to complex trauma as a result of their life-experiences as well as demanding and dangerous work environments. According to National Alliance on Mental Illness, “it’s estimated that 18-24% of dispatchers and 35% of police officers suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder”. Being the first to arrive on the scene, putting their life at risk and assisting people in challenging situations over long periods of time, including possible lack of sleep and self- care, can be very taxing.

The same is true for caregivers who may experience caregiver burnout or compassion fatigue, resulting in physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. Caregivers may witness traumatic incidents such as a loved one's medical emergency, repeated hospital emergency room and ICU visits, acute confusion, or devastating falls and injuries. These events can also be classified as a form of trauma. Caregiver burnout occurs when stressed caregivers do not receive the help they require, or when they attempt to do more than they are capable of, resulting in a shift in feelings from caring to compassion fatigue, a type of stress caused by caring for others. Unlike burnout, compassion fatigue strikes immediately leading to emotional and physical exhaustion and grows over time.

While all of the stress and traumatic events are occurring, it is best to seek help and healing. 

Being honest with yourself, seeking support from family and friends and ultimately a professional can begin the step to healing. If you find yourself reacting more quickly than is helpful, experience difficulty sleeping, over or under- eating, nightmares, find yourself sad, isolating or very irritable, and often “triggered,” we encourage you to seek help. In therapy, the goal isn’t to judge or to discriminate, but to offer a safe space for you, a platform to process your history and a way to learn how to manage and experience well-being.  

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